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  • Mihăescu, Ionela Mihaela (ASEM, 2021-04)
    Investments have the role of generating element in any economic activity, which makes a company to be born, to carry out its activity or to modernize and develop the production capacity. Investments are the main factor in ...
  • Grîu, Maia (ASEM, 2017-09)
    In the use of complex data we can’t speak about an increase of informational quality for accounting (if the basic principles are respected, the valence of information remain the same), but it’s a better utilization in the ...
  • Bajan, Maia; Lazari, Liliana (ASEM, 2019-09)
    This research aims to provide an overview of the evolution of accounting over time, starting from its empirical forms and later focusing our attention on digitizing accounting. In its evolution, the accounting has adapted ...
  • Gherman Bursuc, Maria; Melega, Anatol; Grosu, Veronica (ASEM, 2021-04)
    Activitatea de afaceri implică, prin natura sa, producerea, colectarea și comunicarea diferitelor tipuri de date și informații. Acestea sunt prezentate în diferite documente, care sunt generate în mare parte de departamentul ...
  • Caraman, Stela (ASEM, 2019-09)
    This article examines the essence and content of managerial accounting at the current stage of development. Also, the basic technologies that are used in the modern management accounting are analyzed: Strategie Cost Analysis ...
  • Caraman, Stela; Guglea, Daniel (ASEM, 2018-03-15)
    Environmental accouting can help improve the environment by pointig out how to use the natural resources in a sustainable way. These will usuallzy allow the company to use the resources more rationally and to reduce the ...
  • Hreceniuc, Briana (ASEM, 2021-04)
    Le but de l'élaboration de ce travail est centré sur l'analyse de la manière d'organisation de la comptabilité des immobilisations corporelles qui présente une ample sphère d'applicabilité. Afin d'atteindre le but proposé ...
  • Repede, Doina (ASEM, 2021-03)
    Public catering represents the production and marketing of its own products, as well as purchased for resale through its own sales network. Purpose and objectives of the research lies in examining the main accounting ...
  • Turețchi, Dana; Caraman, Stela (ASEM, 2020-03)
    A project can always be concluded when the goal is to coordinate an ensemble of activities of a different nature, whose achievement aims to successfully carry out a complex and specific mission. The management on the basis ...
  • Postică, Elena (ASEM, 2020-06)
    Analyzing the given topic, I understood that there is definitely a need for improving the accounting of provisions in line with IFRS and SNC ,,Own Capital and the debts”,because every day there are a continuous development ...
  • Cebotari, Anna (ASEM, 2016-09)
    În articolul prezentat, sunt propuse spre examinare aspectele teoretice aferente noțiunii de provizion. Autorul descrie modul de calcul și contabilizare a provizioanelor pentru plata concediilor de odihnă. De asemenea, se ...
  • Slobodzean, Anastasia (ASEM, 2020-03)
    During the entrepreneurial activity any entity can bear unforeseen expenses, generated by multiple risks that they face every day. Provisions can be made to cover them, but few local entities use this method. Studying the ...
  • Moscaliuc, Nicoleta (ASEM, 2021-03)
    Analyzing the given topic, I understood that there is certainly a need to improve the accounting of fixed assets repairs in accordance with IFRS and SNC, "Tangible and intangible assets", because there is a continuous ...
  • Gulea, Daniela (ASEM, 2023-03)
    The purpose and importance of the presentation of the work consists of the analysis of the methods of restitution of the value added tax of the state budget from the perspective of national and international legislative ...
  • Gaidarji, Ana-Maria (ASEM, 2020-03)
    In this articleis described the corect way of the accauntingfor revaluation reserve. The essence of the revaluation consists in verifying the value of the fixed assets after a long period of time in the entity. This actions ...
  • Harea, Ruslan; Graur, Anatol; Bugan, Corneliu (ASEM, 2018-04)
    This paper analyzes the mechanisms of accounting and different types of sponsorship, charity and sponsors’ as well as their recipients’ patronage. It also presents the aspects of taxation and the impact of sponsoring and ...
  • Alexa, Valentina-Mădălina (ASEM, 2021-04)
    The purpose of our work is focused on cost accounting or management accounting which clarifies the concepts of expenditure and costs, but also the use of concepts, theories, paradigms regarding cost calculation, to explain ...
  • Bajan, Maia; Sîrbu, Valeria; Mardari, Dana (ASEM, 2018-03-15)
    Through accounting and management control, methods of calculating production costs have been outlined, covering the totality of the processes used for their numerical quantification and the possibility of measuring the ...
  • Curagău, Natalia; Frunză, Rodica (ASEM, 2012-04)
    The new Accounting Law No. 113 – XVI dated 27.04.2007 entered into force on 01.01.2008, while the purpose of the said Law, pursuant to its Art. 1, is to provide the legal framework, the single requirements and the respective ...
  • Cebotari, Anna (Editura ASEM, 2017-09)
    Contabilitatea veniturilor postangajare în baza calculelor actuariale, în prezent, rămâne a fi un subiect studiat în Republica Moldova doar la nivel teoretic. Aplicarea calculelor actuariale în domeniul contabil denotă, ...

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