The research subject is green energy in Moldova. One advantage of green energy is its inexhaustibility, while natural gas and oil are distributed unevenly between countries and are exhaustible resources. This study aims to determine the economic factors influencing changes in the share of green energy in electricity production and to test the hypothesis that changes in world prices for natural gas directly affect the growth and distribution of green energy. The original aspect of the article is the testing of this hypothesis for Moldova and the study of structural changes in green energy.
GUTIUM, Tatiana, EFREMOV, Cristina, LEU, Vasilie. Green energy in electricity production: evolution and determining factors. In: Energy Environment Efficiency Resources Globalization. București: Editura AGIR, 2024, Volume X, Issue 2, pp. 83 – 96. ISSN 2668-7003, ISSN-L 2457-5011. DOI: 10.37410/EMERG.2024.2.05