Innovation within furniture manufacturing SMEs, as opposed to large companies, involves both a number of advantages and disadvantages. Among the main advantages of innovation in small enterprises or especially start-ups in the field of the mobile industry, there is the agility of employees and fresh and unconventional thinking, but which also requires a steering and monitoring mechanism. In this sense, it is necessary to establish at the level of a small enterprise the culture of innovation of operational processes, which involves the enterprise's ability to exploit all resources, especially employees, who can produce innovation, and as a result, will ensure the prosperity of the entity's activity. CZU 334.7 https://doi.org/10.52507/2345-1106.2023-1.14
DASCALIUC, Daniela. Inovațiile la nivel de proces operațional în cadrul IMM-lor producătoare de mobile = Innovations at the Level of Operational Process within the Framework of Furniture Manufacturing Sme-s. In: Vector European, 2023, nr. 1, pp. 72-75. ISSN 2345-1106.