Until recently, the tourist market was actually a physical space, where the seller of tourist packages and the buyer met and the transaction was carried out. So the contacts were physical both locally and internationally. Security meant, therefore, to protect people from extremely tangible threats such as theft, fraud, etc. But now we face different challenges because the tourism market is becoming a cyberspace where sellers, intermediaries and buyers can meet without the need for physical contact. Security therefore has a different meaning, as we need to protect ourselves from cyber threats that can materialize in identity theft, internet fraud, etc. So, in order to deal with the problems that appear, and which may not have attracted much attention from experts, we want to study the importance of cyber security for the development of tourist destinations. UDC: [338.48:004.056.5]:005.334. JEL: F52, M15, O33, Q55, Z32. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53486/escst2023.25.
TUDORICĂ, Mihaela. Security in tourism. In: Economic Security in the Context of Systemic Transformations [online]: Proceedings of International Conference, 3nd Edition, December 7-8, 2023. Chişinău: SEP ASEM, 2024, pp. 214-217. ISBN 978-9975-167-43-7 (PDF).