The abstract has to include enough information for readers to be able to appreciate the nature and meaning This article refers to the organizational culture as an element of human resource development within the organization. In this context, we highlighted the concept of culture, in the vision of several researchers. Different opinions regarding the notion of culture has enabled us to address the issue in question multiaspectively, developing a complex content on the given topic. Also, the organizational culture is analyzed, by highlighting the types and ways of its manifestation at different managerial levels. Through the content analysis on the organizational culture that targets, first of all, the people, we highlighted the impact that it can have on the development of human resources in the organization.Thus, in order to develop and implement an efficient system of human resources development, it is necessary to be based on an organizational culture accepted by all the employees. JEL: O15; O19
MATVEICIUC, Igor. The relevance of organizational culture on human resource development: a theoreticl-conceptual approach. In: Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuși” University of Târgu Jiu. Economy Series. Târgu Jiu, 2022, no. 1, pp. 235-242. ISSN 2344-3685.