Enterprises in their classical form are complex and inflexible structures, unable to respond quickly to the environmental changes. At the same time, the existing national and international regulations and procedures limit their agility and velocity of work but are necessary for the existence of business settlements. We all know that such structures do not stimulate the creation and promotion of innovations that we all need, and that can lead not only to competitive advantage but also to the development of country indices. In this respect, the article aims to determine the influence of the Republic of Moldova economic development index by the joint ventures and state-owned enterprises’ investments. In the research, we use the documentation methods of statistical data and two linear regression unifactorial econometric models and the statistical procedure Least Squares Method. Investigation and description of this topic allow the author to generalize the main findings of the major influence of the enterprise’s investments on the economic and social development of the Republic of Moldova.
CĂLUGĂREANU, I. Determinarea indicelui dezvoltării locale a Republicii Moldova în contextul creării cuburilor inovative. Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences [online]. 2020, vol. 8, nr. 3, pp. 111-122. ISSN: 2148-02140.