A key factor in the evaluation of contemporary companies at this time is the contribution of these entities to the social life of the community of which they are a part. In this sense, the purpose of our work is to carry out a comparative analysis regarding the sustainability of socially responsible and non-responsible companies. In order to achieve the proposed goal, the following objectives were established: Objective 1: Deepening the concept of socially responsible investment; Objective 2: Bibliometric analysis of specialized literature through the Web of Science platform with the theme "Socially responsible investments"; Objective 3: Comparative analysis of the sustainability of socially responsible and non-socially responsible companies. CZU: 330.322.4:316.62(498); JEL: M40, M41; DOI: https://doi.org/10.53486/issc2023.15
ȚÎGĂNAȘ, Iulia-Maria, SPATARIU, Simona. Valorificarea informațiilor financiare și nefinanciare în atragerea investițiilor responsabile din punct de vedere social = Valuation of Financial and Non-Financial Information in Attracting Socially Responsible Investments. Conducător șt.: GROSU, Veronica. In: Provocările contabilităţii în viziunea tinerilor cercetători [online]: Conf. şt. intern. studenţească, ISSC 2023: Culegere de articole ştiinţifice, Ed. a 7-a, 9-10 martie 2023. Chişinău: ASEM, 2023, pp. 118-124. ISBN 978-9975-147-93-4 (PDF).