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Rolul auditului performanței în mediul de gestiune a instituției publice și asigurare a utilizării resurselor alocate pentru investigații cu impact major

Show simple item record Dolghi, Cristina 2022-09-27T11:24:32Z 2022-09-27T11:24:32Z 2022-04
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-155-92-2 (PDF)
dc.description DOLGHI, Cristina. Rolul auditului performanței în mediul de gestiune a instituției publice și asigurare a utilizării resurselor alocate pentru investigații cu impact major = The role of performance audit in the management environment of the public institution and ensuring the use of allocated resources for high-impact investigations. In: International scientific conference on accounting, ISCA 2022 [online]: Collection of scientific articles = Culegere de articole științifice, 11 Edition, April 1-2, 2022. Chişinău: ASEM, 2022, pp. 38-43. ISBN 978-9975-155-92-2 (PDF). en_US
dc.description.abstract Performance auditing is an effective tool in the process of assessing money management and public assets. This study is a complex examination of the theoretical and applied aspects of performance auditing, in order to identify existing problems and substantiate the priority directions for improving its implementation, in order to determine whether a program / entity or activity has been managed based on the principles of economy, efficiency, and effectiveness. In order to achieve the established goals, the author applied research methods, such as: quantitative and qualitative; inductive and deductive; comparative method, methods of analysis and synthesis. In the author's view, in order to strengthen its role as an effective tool for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of public money, performance auditing must be based on the rules that require its independence, objectivity and full trust from both audited entities and society. CZU: 657.6:336.5+351.71(478); JEL: M42; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7059521 en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher ASEM en_US
dc.subject INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements en_US
dc.subject performance audit en_US
dc.subject public money management en_US
dc.subject economy en_US
dc.subject efficiency en_US
dc.subject efficacy en_US
dc.subject audit mission en_US
dc.title Rolul auditului performanței în mediul de gestiune a instituției publice și asigurare a utilizării resurselor alocate pentru investigații cu impact major en_US
dc.title.alternative The role of performance audit in the management environment of the public institution and ensuring the use of allocated resources for high-impact investigations en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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