This article aims to present the real situation on the housing market in Republic of Moldova, and also proposes the main ways of redressing the created situation as a result of financial crisis. Development prospects of the real estate market are quite positive, so we can be quite optimistic in making predictions about the real estate market situation.
ROTARU, Olesea, CAUN, Victor. Analiza pieţei imobiliare din Republica Moldova şi perspectivele de dezvoltare a acesteia = Analysis of the housing market in Moldova and its developmant prospects. În: Analele Științifice. Universitatea de Studii Politice şi Economice Europene ”Constantin Stere”, 2013. Chişinău: USPEE, 2013. Ed. 1, vol. 1, pp. 96-100. ISSN 1857–4858; ISBN 978-9975-4449-0-3.