A market environment analysis is an analysis of both the external and internal environments related to an organization. An economical tool for conducting a market environment analysis is the Political, Economic, Socio-cultural and Technological (PEST) tool, and also, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT analysis, alternatively SWOT Matrix). This may be seen in the construction industrial, including housing construction and olso sphere of real estate construction. The named methods are some of the most important two methods used by companies in analyzing internal and external marketing environment. Also we can use David Nadler and Michael Tushman Model, Weisbord Six-Box Model, etc
CHIRIAC, Lilia, ROTARU, Olesea. Metode de analiză a mediului de marketing al întreprinderii din sfera construcţiilor de imobil locativ. În: Analele Științifice. Universitatea de Studii Politice şi Economice Europene ”Constantin Stere”, 2014. Chişinău: USPEE, 2014. Ed. 2, vol. 2, pp. 64-72. ISSN 1857–4858; ISBN 978-9975-4449-3-4.