The state economic security plays an important role because economic security is an important component of national security, because it penetrates all areas of the state activity. The purpose of the present article is to highlight the need to ensure economic security in conditions of globalization. The analysis of the indicators economic security of the Republic of Moldova, highlights the risk factors and the threats of the economic security for Republic of Moldova. In order to turn the threats of the impact of globalization on economic security into opportunities, the Republica of Moldova needs a viable economic security strategy . JEL: E60, F00, F52.
BARBĂNEAGRĂ, Oxana. Vulnerabilities of the economic security of the Republic of Moldova = Vulnerabilități ale securității economice a Republicii Moldova. In: Economic Security in the Context of Sustainable Development [online]: The collection of the Online International Scientific-Practical Conference, 2nd Edition, December 17, 2021. Chişinău: ASEM, 2022, pp. 40-44. ISBN 978-9975-155-73-1.