In this article are examined some chalanges of economic-financial analysis under new accounting legislation from the Republic of Moldova. Among these chalanges are mentioned those regarding terminology used in present in the accounting literature and in analytical practice, as well as the informational chalanges of economic-financial analysis. Solutions for overpassing these chalanges are also mentioned in this paper, in order to increase the quality of economic-financial analysis of the entity. JEL: M41.
PALADI, Valentina, ERHAN, Lica. Provocările analizei economico-financiare în contextul noilor reglementări contabile. In: Contabilitatea, auditul și analiza economică între conformitate, schimbare și performanță: conf. şt. intern., 02 apr. 2015. Chişinău: ASEM, 2015, pp. 267-269. ISBN 978-9975-75-750-8.