Realistic appreciation of labor force efficiency is directly connected to factorial analysis of labor productivity. In this point the requirements related to factorial analysis of labor productivity naturally rise, especially concerning determination of direction and dimension of factors influence under the conditions of specific character of certain activities. Factorial analysis of labor productivity in commercial activity has some peculiarities determined by: provision with necessary funds of merchandises; level of acclivity mechanization; modifications in staff composition and sales structure etc. An exhaustive study of these factors will contribute to reserves’ detection in order to grow labor productivity and increase the veracity of information used in labor force management.
GORTOLOMEI, Valentina. Modalităţi de analiză a eficienţei utilizării forţei de muncă în entităţile comerţului cu amănuntul. In: Contabilitatea, auditul și analiza economică între conformitate, schimbare și performanță: conf. şt. intern., 02 apr. 2015. Chişinău: ASEM, 2015, pp. 259-263. ISBN 978-9975-75-750-8.