Facultatea Economie Generală şi Drept: Recent submissions

  • Guţu, Corneliu; Buzoianu, Ovidiu Andrei Cristian; Platagea Gombos, Svetlana; Dima, Cristina (2019-09)
    Mankind is heading vertiginously for an imminent water crisis, a crisis that can trigger a food crisis, rampant homicides, exacerbation of existing conflicts and the emergence of new ones. Under these conditions, a brief ...
  • Alpopi, Cristina (2019-09)
    The concentration of the population in the urban areas has led to the increase of the degree of economic development. The growth of urban areas is also based on better transport links, which give high mobility to the ...
  • Rădulescu, Carmen Valentina; Bodislav, Dumitru Alexandru; Burlacu, Sorin; Diaconu, Amelia (ASEM, 2019-09)
    This paper represent a work flow chart between the needs developed by the population by having food driven satisfaction, the smartness of the retailers in offering the best distribution solution of food for the population ...
  • Filip, Nolea; Coşeleva, Natalia (ASEM, 2019-09)
    Since the early 70-ies, governments of many Western countries have taken active measures to encourage the departure of immigrants to their homeland. Material compensation for returned workers, professional retraining of ...
  • Bodislav, Dumitru Alexandru; Georgescu, Raluca; Mitriţă, Marcela (ASEM, 2019-09)
    This paper tries to present the whole perspective on globalization, sustainability and natural capital, all the ideas being filtered through the process of chronological evolution of the global economy, the process of ...
  • Cimpoieş, Liliana (ASEM, 2019-09)
    The agricultural sector of the Republic of Moldova is characterized by a deep dual structure determined by the existence of a large individual sector (family farms and households) and corporate farms. The duality and the ...
  • Postolache, Alexandru; Rotaru, Ciprian; Gole, Iulian; Dumitrache, Victor (ASEM, 2019-09)
    Climate change at the level of Romania generates one of the biggest challenges that the population is facing at the present time due to the disastrous effects through: increasing temperatures, drought of certain lakes, the ...
  • Liviţchi, Oxana (ASEM, 2019-09)
    In the last period, the concern for innovation, the organization in the form of clusters, competitiveness, economic efficiency, etc. Co-operative enterprises of larger or smaller economic-financial dimensions have a role ...
  • Sarbu, Roxana; Bran, Florina; Nica, Elvira; Guţu, Corneliu (ASEM, 2019-09)
    Oraşul este un „organism” care converteşte materie primă, energie şi informaţii, reacţionează şi se schimbă prin autoorganizare şi mai ales prin organizare antropică-conştientă. Este un spaţiu geografic special, alcătuit ...
  • Şcerbacov, Elena (ASEM, 2019-09)
    As a branch of activity producing material goods, the agriculture performs within the framework of the national economy a series of functions, some of them are common to any other working activity, the other are characteristic ...
  • Baieşu, Marina (ASEM, 2019-09)
    The staff of the economic agents is a main resource of the production processes that should not be neglected. Only through the contribution of the employees can the efficiency be achieved, respectively success in the hard ...
  • Borcoman, Raisa (ASEM, 2019-09)
    Over time, although the academic world has learned (at least at a lexical level) this concept, the topic of interactive communication has been lost or that "interactive, student-centered communication" has been misunderstood, ...
  • Mancaș, Maria (ASEM, 2019-09)
    The current crisis of the economy, in general, updates the importance of economic journalism from the perspective of the need for in-depth research on the quality of this form of journalism. The economic journalist must ...
  • Bei, Hanna (ASEM, 2019-09)
    In the context of the formation and development of a new type of economy, the ability of organizations to accumulate competitive advantages while ensuring the security of economic activities without the threat of loss or ...
  • Sîrbu, Ion (ASEM, 2019-09)
    The article contains the approach of economics as an objective reality and of the economic sciences, through the human prism as a paradigm and principle of knowledge, research and economic activity and human activity in ...
  • Boguş, Angela (ASEM, 2019-09)
    The purpose of the paper is to highlight the importance of efficient use of public money, especially public procurement, by creating a permanent dialogue mechanism between authorities and civil society. To achieve this ...
  • Gole, Iulian; Postolache, Alexandru Gabriel; Dumitrache, Victor; Rotaru, Ciprian (ASEM, 2019-09)
    Starting from this reflection we will try to see what are the main barriers and obstacles that stay in the way of an effective environmental communication. In the last years, we have more and more the sensation of a ...
  • Grozav, Adrian (ASEM, 2019-09)
    The Republic of Moldova is facing a demographic drama, which is still known in the specialized literature under the names of depopulation or demographic implosion. Among the demographic problems, the most acute ones can ...
  • Ţurcan, Galina (ASEM, 2019-09)
    This article examines the essence of circular ethics and the ethical aspects of the circular economy are being studied. Through the dialectical, comparative, analysis and synthesis method, it is established that the circular ...
  • Ștefîrţă, Natalia (ASEM, 2019-12)
    Prezentul articol explică principiile conceptualeale politicii macroprudențiale. Un astfelde concept politic implică patru etape: definireaobiectivelor pentru politicile macroprudențiale,alegerea obiectivelor intermediare ...

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