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Utilizarea eficientă a metodelor şi tehnicilor interactive de predare-învăţare în cadrul disciplinei „Contabilitatea financiara” în contextul noilor SNC

Show simple item record Boșcaneanu, Nadejda Iovu-Carauș, Marina 2021-12-24T09:34:51Z 2021-12-24T09:34:51Z 2014-02-27
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-75-679-2
dc.description BOŞCANEANU, Nadejda, IOVU-CARAUŞ, Marina. Utilizarea eficientă a metodelor şi tehnicilor interactive de predare-învăţare în cadrul disciplinei „Contabilitatea financiara” în contextul noilor SNC. In: Predarea-învăţarea disciplinelor de contabilitate, audit şi analiză economică în contextul noilor reglementări [online]: conf. naţ. didactico-şt., 27 febr. 2014. Chişinău: ASEM, 2014, pp. 82-85. ISBN 978-9975-75-679-2. en_US
dc.description.abstract This article points out the examination of the learning teaching methods of the discipline “Financial accounting” in the context of the new National Standards of Accounting. The purpose of this research was determined by appeared modifications in settling the accounting domain. In this context, being based on NSA “Stocks” is treated the subject “Objects of small value and short-term” by detailing their characteristics, particularities, use and reflection in plan accounts of economic operations and application of accounting formulae in problematic-situations. In order to reach the proposed objectives were applied different interactive learning-teaching methods, which have facilitated achievement of the instructive process. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher ASEM en_US
dc.subject metode şi tehnici interactive de predare-învăţare en_US
dc.subject contabilitate financiară en_US
dc.subject SNC en_US
dc.title Utilizarea eficientă a metodelor şi tehnicilor interactive de predare-învăţare în cadrul disciplinei „Contabilitatea financiara” în contextul noilor SNC en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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