In this article the authors describe the opportunities for use of various IT systems in t he trainings on accounting. The authors have also mentioned the advantages and disadvantages of use of the MOODLE system, an IT system to test the acquired knowledge by students, "SuperTest". In addition, the opportunities of use PowerPoint in trainings on accounting is also described.
CUŞMĂUNSĂ, Rodica, CARAMAN, Stela, BORDEIANU, Olga. Utilizarea sistemelor informatice în predarea cursurilor de contabilitate. In: Predarea-învăţarea disciplinelor de contabilitate, audit şi analiză economică în contextul noilor reglementări [online]: conf. naţ. didactico-şt., 27 febr. 2014. Chişinău: ASEM, 2014, pp. 74-76. ISBN 978-9975-75-679-2.