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Направления совершенствования системы внутреннего контроля

Show simple item record Bajerean, Eudochia Dumbravă, Ruslan 2021-12-22T11:18:25Z 2021-12-22T11:18:25Z 2013-04-05
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-4242-7-1
dc.description BAJEREAN, Eudochia, DUMBRAVĂ, Ruslan. Направления совершенствования системы внутреннего контроля. In: Contabilitatea şi auditul în contextul integrării economice europene: progrese şi aşteptări = Accounting and audit in the context of european economic integration: advancements and expectations: conf. şt. intern., 5 apr. 2013. Chişinău: S. n., 2013, pp. 238-240. ISBN 978-9975-4242-7-1. en_US
dc.description.abstract This article examines the problems of implementation and the methods of improvement of the internal control system. The internal control deals with the all spheres of company’s activity – from the aims of business, including the efficiency and profitability, to the safety of resources and fraud protection. The internal control system of the enterprises not always provides the necessary efficiency and safety. The investigation revealed that the internal control should be improved. The improvement of separate parts of the internal control system will allow us to provide the reduction of the possibility of abuse and the safety of the company’s property, as well as the improvement and reduction of labour-intensiveness of the control work, which will raise the efficiency of the internal control. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher Tipografia "CRIO" en_US
dc.subject sistem de control intern en_US
dc.subject eficiența controlului intern en_US
dc.title Направления совершенствования системы внутреннего контроля en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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