The National Bank of the Republic of Moldova, as well as other central banks from other neighbouring countries, with the view to promoting the monetary policy, replaced the objective „achieving and maintaining the national currency stability” with the target “ensuring and maintaining price stability”. This adjustment conditioned the selection of an optimal monetary policy regime to achieve the respective aim. Further to analysis and research there has been adopted the inflation targeting regime in order to determine the exact amount to a variation interval on a 24 month range. Relying on the experience in implementing the inflation targeting regime by the National Bank of Moldova it was determined that this monetary policy regime is the most adequate for the present socio-economic development of the Republic of Moldova.
JEL: E5, E51, E52.
Publicat în: Economica : Revistă ştiinţifico-didactică / Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei ; redactor şef: Grigore Belostecinic. - Chişinău : ASEM, 2016. № 1. - P. 101-108. - Bibliogr.: p. 108 - Categoria B ISSN 1810-9136