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Aspecte contabile şi fiscale privind subvenţionarea şomajului tehnic sau staţionare urmare a situaţiei epidemiologice

Show simple item record Țugulschi, Iuliana 2021-11-26T08:27:37Z 2021-11-26T08:27:37Z 2020-04
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-75-989-2
dc.description ŢUGULSCHI, Iuliana. Aspecte contabile şi fiscale privind subvenţionarea şomajului tehnic sau staţionare urmare a situaţiei epidemiologice = Accounting and Fiscal Aspects Regarding the Subsidization of Technical or Stationary Unemployment As a Result of the Epidemiological Situation. In: Conferința internațională științifică de contabilitate, ISCA 2020 = International scientific conference on accounting, ISCA 2020 [online]: Culegere de articole științifice, 9 Edition, April 2-3, 2020. Chişinău: ASEM, 2020, pp. 225-230. ISBN 978-9975-75-989-2. en_US
dc.description.abstract Currently, the increasing role of the state in supporting the local entities on the background of the epidemiological situation related to the spread of Covid-19 is accentuated worldwide. In the Republic of Moldova, one of the measures took to support entrepreneurial activity is the subsidization of entities that have established technical or stationary unemployment during the state of emergency, which has an impact not only in terms of accounting, but fiscally too. In order to elucidate the problems faced by the entities implementing the presented measure, this article examines the key issues underlying its implementation and the possible solutions. JEL: M 40, 41; CZU: 657+336.22:[331.562:614.44]. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher ASEM en_US
dc.subject situaţie epidemiologică en_US
dc.subject şomaj tehnic/ staţionare en_US
dc.subject subvenţionare şomaj en_US
dc.subject indemnizaţie en_US
dc.title Aspecte contabile şi fiscale privind subvenţionarea şomajului tehnic sau staţionare urmare a situaţiei epidemiologice en_US
dc.title.alternative Accounting and Fiscal Aspects Regarding the Subsidization of Technical or Stationary Unemployment As a Result of the Epidemiological Situation en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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