Facultatea Business şi Administrarea Afacerilor: Recent submissions

  • Iordachi, Victoria; Ciobu, Stela (ASEM, 2020)
    Waste management in the RM remains a difficult and still unsolved issue both from an organizational and institutional framework, as well as the creation of an integrated system of technical and ecological regulations in ...
  • Gole, Iulian; Dumitrache, Victor Marian; Diaconu, Amelia; Niculescu, Marcela Antoneta (ASEM, 2020)
    In times when the Corona virus pandemic is a huge source of trouble for public health and a Gordian knot for global economy, there is an economic sector which struggles to present itself if not a saviour in the crisis at ...
  • Japalău, Svetlana; Savciuc, Oxana (ASEM, 2020)
    News: Today the information environment is extremely loaded with various messages that pursue multiple targets. Often, they aim not only to inform, but also to contribute to the change of human behavior in various ways. ...
  • Platon, Nicolae; Juraveli, Tatiana (ASEM, 2020)
    The intensive and extensive growth of the world endangers the sustainable development in conditions of peace and well-being of the whole humanity. Wars, epidemics, natural disasters, the struggle for natural resources and ...
  • Șavga, Ghenadie; Șavga, Larisa (ASEM, 2020)
    The article highlights the importance of the cost management for the success of projects and organizations, respectively. Through the comparative approach it is demonstrated that cost is one of the key elements of modern ...
  • Troaca, Victor Adrian; Postolache, Alexandru Gabriel; Rotaru, Ciprian; Gombos, Carol Cristina (ASEM, 2020)
    About 70% of the surface of our country is in a process of desertification. Global warming will lead to a radical change in crops that may occur in Romania. Irrigation has been insufficient for a very long time in Romania. ...
  • Mitniţcaia, Lidia; Armanov, Stanislav; Țurcan, Natalia (ASEM, 2020)
    In recent years, there have been significant changes in the lifestyle and consumer habits of people, which can be identified as the emergence of new trends in consumer behavior. The reasons for these changes were new ...
  • Șpac, Ghenadie (ASEM, 2020)
    The actuality of the subject: the competitiveness of the products largely depends on their quality and, therefore, its study is current. At the same time, the width of the assortment also influences the competitiveness of ...
  • Calmâș, Valentina; Fedorciucova, Svetlana (ASEM, 2020)
    Relevance of the work: In the State Policies on Healthy Eating of many countries and in the Strategies for increasing the quality of food products, great attention is paid to satisfying the physiological needs of citizens ...
  • Maleca, Tudor (ASEM, 2020)
    Economic efficiency of commercial activity of trade enterprise and the degree of the goods buyers' demand satisfaction are predetermined by diversity and the structure of trade assortment of goods, which must be optimal. ...
  • Micușa, Dumitru; Todoroi, Dumitru (2020)
    The transition of every man from one stage of activity in life to another is parallel to a more tense state of life. In particular this refers to the stages of transition to retirement: from a pre-retirement activity to ...
  • Postolache, Alexandru Gabriel; Troaca, Victor Adrian; Rotaru, Ciprian; Gombos, Carol Cristina (2020)
    In recent decades, anthropogenic factors of air pollution have begun to far exceed the natural ones, gaining a global character. Harmful emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere not only destroy living nature, ...
  • Cotelnic, Ala; Scarlat, Constantin (ASEM, 2020)
    Starting from the major importance of the human resources of the organization to ensure the efficiency of its activity, in the present article we tried to highlight the risks to which the employee is subjected by performing ...
  • Ciobanu, Ghenadie; Georgescu, Raluca Iuliana; Balu, Olivia Florentina; Năstase, Gabriel; Lazăr, Valentin (ASEM, 2020)
    This research paper is developed as bildungsroman on the idea of natural resources used at its true value, achieving efficiency in consumption, efficacy in distribution and using as building blocks the process behind the ...
  • Nosova, Olga; Nosova, Tetiana (ASEM, 2020)
    The aim of this paper is to analysis the impact of innovation policy on effective regional development in Ukraine. The main goal is to identify the role which innovation policy plays in regional development. We apply ...
  • Belostecinic, Grigore; Guțu, Corneliu; Bragoi, Diana (ASEM, 2020)
    The article describes the concept of competitiveness, as well as the importance and contribution, as a strategic factor, to the sustainable economic development of a country. As a national partner of the World Economic ...
  • Covaş, Lilia (ASEM, 2020)
    The article contains a detailed analysis of the current situation in the Republic of Moldova regarding the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Trends in the field of CSR actions within companies in the ...
  • Ioan-Franc, Valeriu; Diamescu, Andrei-Marius (ASEM, 2020)
    Started as a health crisis, or maybe, more accurately said, a public health crisis, the pandemic generated by the new coronavirus proved to be not only the trigger but also the indicator of a deep societal crisis which ...
  • Godjayeva, Elmira; Sadigova, Ulkar (ASEM, 2020)
    It is clear to all that today tourism has become the largest and independent sector of the economy of many countries, and its activities are aimed at meeting the recreational needs of the population. The tourism sector has ...
  • Чернавка, М.І.; Артюх, Т.М.; Купалова, Г.І.; Григоренко, І.В. (ASEM, 2020)
    The paper considers the theoretical foundations of the logistics system, investigates the process of managing the logistics activities of an enterprise for the production of cultural and household products based on paper. ...

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