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  • Vesa (Poruț), Florina (ASEM, 2023-03)
    I have chosen this topic because the current society is undergoing a continuous change in the field of information and communication technology, which fundamentally transforms the way in which the economic environment, ...
  • Berghe, Nadejda (ASEM, 2022)
    Many of the state reforms lately are aimed at reforming local public finances, especially in terms of own revenues of the budgets of administrative-territorial units consisting of local taxes and fees, provided in each ...
  • Angheluţă, Sorin Petrică; Guţu, Corneliu; Mogos, Liliana Paula; Troacă, Victor (ASEM, 2019-09)
    The flexibility of the learning process is a prerequisite for increasing the employment rate. Employers have increasingly high expectations from recent graduates. Technological changes lead to the need to update competences, ...
  • Lopotenco, Viorica; Pisaniuc, Maia (2003)
    Grecii antici afirmau că memoria faptelor este o cunoaștere parțială, adică simpla opinie, adevărata cunoaștere, adică înțelegerea, implică a cunoaște și catisa rerum. Cunoașterea causal rerum depinde pe de o parte de ...
  • Darovannaia, Alla; Gorobeţ, Ilinca (ASEM, 2017-09)
    In the process of establishing the infrastructure bank of the Republic of Moldova appears the need to develop a unique concept of storage policy of the bank in relations with clients, the assessment of established practices ...
  • Ciugureanu-Mihailută, Carolina (ASEM, 2022)
    This study is reserved for the analysis of the problem of "special" evaluation of the Moldovan judicial system. The article reflects the purpose, necessity, justification, guarantees, international standards, but also the ...
  • Todoroi, Dumitru; Todoroi, Nicoleta; Micușa, Diana (ASEM, 2018-09)
    The exploratory paper investigates Adaptability in general and the Adaptable Tools in particular in quality of Engine to develop Computer Software and Software for Artificial Intelligences. The paper aims to open the ...
  • Țiriulnicova, Natalia (ASEM, 2021-04)
    This article argues the need to adapt the way of analysis of liquidity ratios to the content of the balance sheet prepared in accordance with the new format. In particular, it mentions the main modifications made recently ...
  • Lazari, Liliana (ASEM, 2023-11)
    This research will address the challenges facing accounting education in higher education in the Republic of Moldova. The relevance of the research is determined by the continuous changes that are in the normative framework ...
  • Șendrea, Mariana (ASEM, 2020-09)
    În contextul dinamic actual, companiile trebuie să se adapteze și să îți accelereze planurile de transformare digitală sau să-ți facă unele”de criză” cât mai rapid. Dar această schimbare este, de multe ori, mult mai profundă ...
  • Vîrlan, Ecaterina (ASEM, 2021-04)
    Dans un environnement incertain, toujours en évolution, les méthodes traditionnelles de gestion d'entreprise ne sont plus appropriées. «L'agilité» est un nouveau mode de développement et d'organisation sans lequel les ...
  • Кокорева, Ольга; Делиева, Евгения (ASEM, 2021-03)
    The tourism industry, as a kind of litmus, reflects the slightest changes occurring within the country, but this industry is even more sensitive to external factors. The COVID-2019 pandemic has become such a factor for the ...
  • Șendrea, Mariana (ASEM, 2021-03)
    Managerii din toată lumea, inclusiv cei din Republica Moldova, se confruntă cu probleme de adaptare a unităţilor economice în încercarea de a face față provocărilor crizei. Acest efort are diferite rezultate și constituie ...
  • Bajan, Maia; Brighidin, Irina (ASEM, 2022-03)
    The aim of this paper is to highlight the convergences and divergences of depreciation of fixed assets at the national and international levels according to IAS 36. The topicality of the topic is that the performance of ...
  • Țurcanu, Viorel; Golocialova, Irina (ASEM, 2016-04)
    The objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial situation of an enterprise that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions. The transparency of financial statements ...
  • Botnaraș, Nina (2020)
    SUPORT DE CURS: Aditivii și inocuitatea produselor. Specialitatea Merceologie.
  • Mihaila, Svetlana (ASEM, 2012-04)
    Controlling is one of the management functions along with planning, organization, provisioning, and coordination. This function is important as it contributes to identifying errors and defines the decision-making process ...
  • Berghe, Nadejda (ASEM, 2022-09)
    Fiscal collections administered by the Customs Service have the largest share in the total of taxes and fees levied in the National Public Budget. These receipts are represented by import-export rights that are collected ...
  • Berghe, Nadejda (ASEM, 2023-09)
    Local taxes and fees constitute revenues of local budgets, of an administrative-territorial capacity (villages, cities, municipalities), but the financial resources constituted by local taxes and fees are used for public ...
  • Mihaila, Svetlana; Bădicu, Galina (ASEM, 2014-04)
    The purpose of this publication is to address the characteristics of ABC stock control method. Also, here are described the stages of the method, its importance and is answered the question of why this method should be ...

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