IREK – AESM: Institutional Repository of Economic Knowledge
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Juraveli, Tatiana
Actualitatea și importanța temei de cercetare. Orice tip de business presupune purtarea unor negocieri de afaceri. Businessul turistic nu este o excepție de la această regulă. Întreaga muncă, adeseori anevoioasă, desfășurată ...
Juraveli, Tatiana
The actuality and importance of the topic. Any type of business involves conducting business negotiations. The tourism business is no exception to this rule. All the work, often arduous, carried out during the negotiations, ...
Juraveli, Tatiana
ADNOTARE. Tatiana JURAVELI. „Organizarea și gestionarea afacerilor din domeniul turismului prin prisma strategiilor, tacticilor și tehnicilor de negociere”. Teză de doctor în științe economice. Chișinău, 2024. STRUCTURA ...
Vasilachi, Serghei; Dombrovschi, Livia
(ASEM, 2024-04)
A change in language instruction methods is required due to the growth of globalization and increased worldwide mobility. Even though English is still an important lingua franca, multilingualism must be encouraged through ...
Pîrlog, Angela; Alexa, Adelina
(ASEM, 2024-04)
In the context of globalization, interculturality is becoming increasingly relevant in modern societies, including those of the Republic of Moldova and Romania. The impact of globalisation on these two countries is reflected ...
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