Modern notions of quality place a strong emphasis on customer orientation and, therefore, customer relationship management plays a key role in the entire life of the company. Quality management models highlight the importance of the core values of the respective approaches. The research shows that the variations in the approach to quality management are due to differences in specific situations, characteristics and, in particular, the basic values of the enterprise. The mobile telephony market in the Republic of Moldova is a well-established economic sector, attractive for investment, with a favorable legislative framework, which has evolved over time. The results obtained by making the differences between the perception and the expectations of the clients demonstrate that “ME Orange Moldova” S.A., offers quality services in terms of tangibility, safety and empathy. In such way, the company maintains an increase in market share due to investment strategies in state-of-the-art technologies. JEL: C41, L14, L96, M31.
PAIC, Mihail, SAHARNEANU, Ion. Study of the quality of the services of the company “ÎM Orange Moldova” SA = Studiul calității serviciilor companiei ,,ÎM Orange Moldova” SA. In: Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii [online]: culegere de articole ştiinţifice: conf. şt. intern., 25-26 sept. 2020. Chişinău: ASEM, 2020, pp. 223-229. e-ISBN 978-9975-75-985-4.