Informatics Era development from Information Society through Knowledge Based Society to Consciousness Society is analyzed. Japan Robotic plant with 1800 Robots and 8 Engineers (2000 year). Academician Draganescu, former Romanian Academy President and Chief in 2000-2004 years of Romanian AI Project predicts creation of Consciousness Society in 2019-2035 years, the Society with equality AI=NIstructured. Corneggy Melon University research and AI Weeks announces all 7 million Human functions from which 5,5 million functions are Robotics ones. European Union Committee in January 2017 decides to get Passports to Robotic Entities. Russian President Putin in September 2017 at Moscow University announce Russian AI Industry Project Creativity Piirto’s 7i component parts with Piirto’s 6Tops its development steps. Goleman’s research confirm priority of Human Emotions before Human Creativity based on 6 Basic Classic Emotions AESM 2008-2018 “Creation Consciousness Society” research Project demonstrates the possibility of Robotic creation using Adaptable Tools. The possibility to create Robotic Creativity, Emotion, Temperament and Sentiment New Robotic Elements in forms of Program Product were demonstrated. Adaptable Tools are used for preparing first 3 stage of Robotic Program Products development. Using adaptable tools of algorithmic definitions of robotic elements are defined superior, next level elements of ROBO - intelligences. Present 2018 year of research is concerned to Aura development for Robotic Entities. Presented adaptable information technology for ROBO-intelligence’s creation process is used in the institutional project "Creating Consciousness Society" that is developed in the period 2008 - 2018 by the team of AESM and supporters. JEL: C88, L86
TODOROI, Dumitru. Evolution of the AESM “Creation Consciousness Society” Project.
In: Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii [online]: culegere de articole selective: conf. şt. intern., 28-29 sept., 2018. Chişinău: ASEM, 2018, vol. 1, pp. 240-244. E-ISBN 978-9975-75-932-8.