A carefully constructed budget allows a business to continually track where they are financially. Knowing where the budget stands opens up the ability to hire new staffers, invest in new product lines and set earning goals in line with the organizations’ corporate financial objectives. This study examines the operating budget elaborated by a water supplier and sewerage service provider, which shows the company's projected revenue and associated expenses for an upcoming period. The research methodology related to the theoretical aspects of the topic was based on the dialectical method with its fundamental elements of knowledge, such as: induction and deduction, analysis and comparison, selection and grouping, by studying the publications of the local economists in conferences and scientific seminars and the textbooks of national and foreign teachers. The practical aspects of the study consisted in interviewing the persons responsible for the elaboration of the budgets, examining the relevant documentation and analyzing the normative-legal framework related to the public water supply and sewerage services. Budgeting is a necessity for the analyzed entity, because the rates for the offered services are regulated by public structures and depend on the eligible planned expenses. Planning alone, however, is insufficient. Control is also necessary to ensure that plans actually are carried out. During the analysis of the elaboration and control stages of the operating budget within a municipal enterprise, we have identified some problems that the entity faces in, and, therefore, have found out some solutions to improve the organization of the budgeting process. JEL: M41, H61
BAJAN, Maia, SÎRBU, Marina. Organizarea și controlul executării bugetului operational. In: Provocările contabilităţii în viziunea tinerilor cercetători [online]: culeg. de articole șt.: conf. șt. intern., 12-13 martie 2020. Ed. a 4-a. Chişinău: ASEM, 2020, pp. 42-49. ISBN 978-9975-75-981-6.