The harmony in the workplace of psycho-emotional stability, presents a revolutionary assurance of balance theory, launched in 1958, by the notorious scholar in cognitive psychology Fritz Heider, who studied at the Institute of Psychology in Berlin, with Kohler, Wertheimer and Lewin. Heider researched the environmental factors and their perception by different objects. The balance theory demonstrates a broad applicability in socio-psychology as it addresses either classical research, or attribution, or exploration of new attributive ideas and extensions: such as implicit causality of the verb in communication. Also, the balance theory provides apprehensions about the mechanism of causal reasoning that underlies at the retrospective base of prejudice, also about the justification of personal actions by attributing relational models, and the attribution of errors and successes in the contexts of organizational psychology. The balance theory in professional field, assumes the phrase of an adequate mental state in carrying out the professional activity. Therefore, an increasing number of employed people, became concerned about the ability to achieve the balance between the professional and the personal sphere, which was called "the Graal of the job" by Buckner and Sandholz in 2003. This article, comes with the novelty, in disscussing the relations of psychosocial components on professional balance.
ZUBENSCHI, Mariana. Professional Balance and it’s Psychological Valences. Eastern European Journal of Regional Studies. June 2017, vol. 3, issue 1, pp. 51-59. ISSN 2537-6179; E-ISSN 1857-436X.