Modern society is currently facing some serious challenges, environmental changes, changes in priorities and development opportunities that require a theoretical rethinking of the social mission of the state and drive the search for effective methods of implementing this mission given the national specificities.
The state SOCIALISATION is a perspective direction of reforming the governmental system of the Republic of Moldova. The increasing role of the social state is extremely important in the context of the current realities: the high distrust towards a state that expresses the interests of the oligarchic structures, pessimism about the future, the colossal stratification of the society, poor living conditions of a large part of the population and mass migration.
Publicat in: International Scientific Conference “Classical and Innovative Approaches in Contemporary Economic Thought: Considerations regarding the quality of life in the context of a changing Europe”, 2nd Edition (May 27, 2016) / Editorial Board: Elina BENEA-POPUȘOI [et al.]; Organisational Committee: Elina BENEA-POPUȘOI [et al.]. – Chisinau: ASEM 2016. – 176 p. ISBN 978-9975-75-844-4; ISBN 978-9975-75-845-1 (PDF) (pag. 45-49)