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Structura socială: standarde occidentale şi specificul autohton

Show simple item record Sorocean, Olga Coşeleva, Natalia Filip, Nelly 2015-07-06T10:48:20Z 2015-07-06T10:48:20Z 2014
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-75-649-5
dc.description Publicat in: Analele Academiei de Studii Economice a Moldovei : Ed. a 12-a / Acad. de Studii Econ. a Moldovei ; col. red.: Grigore Belostecinic. – Chişinău : ASEM, 2014 – . ISBN 978-9975-75-649-5.– ISSN 1857-1433. Nr 1/2014. – 2014. – 390 p. : fig., tab. – Texte : lb. rom., engl. – Rez.: lb. rom., engl., fr. – Bibliogr. la sfârşitul art. şi în subsol.– ISBN 978-9975-75-681-5. [33+657]:378.633(478-25)(082)=135.1=111 en_US
dc.description.abstract Transformational processes in the post-Soviet space occurring over the last two decades, have affected the social structure of the transitive societies. The social structure in conditions of systemic transformations has common and specific national features related to the privatization process and the formation of market relations. The analysis of current trends in the transitive social structure formation in the context of identifying conditions and sources of development of the middle class in industrially developed countries and Moldova represents the purpose of this article. There have been presented the preliminary results of studies performed in the framework of the international project “Social Transformation in the Borderland (Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova)” by the Center for Advanced Studies and Education of the European Humanities University, with financial support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York. en_US
dc.publisher Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries Analele ASEM, ediţia a XII-a;Nr.1 / 2014
dc.subject structura socială en_US
dc.title Structura socială: standarde occidentale şi specificul autohton en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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