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Studiu explorator privind contabilitatea proiectelor din domeniul cercetării și inovării în instituțiile de învățîmânt cu autonomie financiară

Show simple item record Țurcanu, Liliana Grigoroi, Lilia Balteș, Nicolae 2021-11-25T13:00:02Z 2021-11-25T13:00:02Z 2020-04
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-75-989-2
dc.description ȚURCANU, Liliana, GRIGOROI, Lilia, BALTEȘ, Nicolae. Studiu explorator privind contabilitatea proiectelor din domeniul cercetării și inovării în instituțiile de învățîmânt cu autonomie financiară = Exploratory Study on the Accounting of Research-Development Projects in Educational Institutions with Financial Autonomy. In: Conferința internațională științifică de contabilitate, ISCA 2020 = International scientific conference on accounting, ISCA 2020 [online]: Culegere de articole științifice, 9 Edition, April 2-3, 2020. Chişinău: ASEM, 2020, pp. 156-163. ISBN 978-9975-75-989-2. en_US
dc.description.abstract As the research projects become more accessible and more intensely won by the higher education institutions in the Republic of Moldova, the question of how to account reliably in order to improve the process of financial reporting and communication with the financiers, can no longer be ignored. Increased demands on financial reporting and reporting on the use of public money for research and innovation have made everyone pay close attention to this topic. That is why, lately, internationally, more and more regulators have chosen to present clarifications on the way of accounting and financial reporting of research, development and innovation projects. Unfortunately, the Republic of Moldova is not among the countries that have chosen to clarify these activities and transactions. The ambiguity of the national accounting regulations governs the way of accounting and financial communication of the transactions carried out by the research projects. Thus, we set out to approach a topic of interest at the present moment, in the context in which a series of deficiencies in the accounting, management and reporting of the research, development and innovation activity in the educational institutions with financial autonomy are pointed out. Thus, the purpose of the research is to identify viable and explicit solutions for improving the process of accounting and financial communication of research, development and innovation projects. After the purpose pursued, the research in question is applicable, because it realizes the construction or reconstruction of a theoretical explanation starting from the conclusive real processes, proposes to solve concrete problems of the practice. It is generally aimed at satisfying orders of those who need such solutions or solving certain problems. The results obtained will be useful both to the accounting practitioners from the institutions with financial autonomy, to the students and the graduates, as these subjects are not covered either by the university curriculum, but also for the regulators, serving as a guide in the accounting and financial reporting of the research projects. JEL: M41; CZU 657:[005.8:001.895:378]. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher ASEM en_US
dc.subject contabilitate en_US
dc.subject tratament contabil en_US
dc.subject proiecte de cercetare en_US
dc.subject buget en_US
dc.subject activitate de cercetare en_US
dc.subject cheltuieli de cercetare en_US
dc.subject finanțator en_US
dc.subject beneficiar en_US
dc.title Studiu explorator privind contabilitatea proiectelor din domeniul cercetării și inovării în instituțiile de învățîmânt cu autonomie financiară en_US
dc.title.alternative Exploratory Study on the Accounting of Research-Development Projects in Educational Institutions with Financial Autonomy en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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