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  • Melnic, Georgeta (ASEM, 2016-06)
    Bank deposits are the main method of raising capital and short-term available savings. The opening and using of the bank deposits is the main function of banks. In 2004 the Deposit Guarantee Fund was set up in the Republic ...
  • Gorobeț, Ilinca (ASEM, 2022-06)
    Information and communication technology has become an important vector for increasing the bank's performance, turning information into the raw material of the future (digital age). The objectives of this research is to ...
  • Goncear, Elena (ASEM, 2022-04)
    For economists, the study of banking institutions is one of the most fascinating areas of exploitation. It studies, analyzes this perpetual mobile of money funds in which the act of payment fulfills both the role of the ...
  • Sapeha, Inna; Kasevich, Volha (ASEM, 2020-04)
    Organizations are increasingly faced with the problem of bankruptcy, and the available literature covering this issue in detail is not systematic. Therefore, the problem of studying the bankruptcy of an organization is ...
  • Bărbieru, Ana-Carolina (ASEM, 2021-03)
    Integrated reporting (IR) is a novelty in the field of corporate reporting, and in the Republic of Moldova, it is a completely unknown realm. The growing interest in integrated reporting motivates researchers in developing ...
  • Murariu, Răzvan; Cășuneanu, Ionuț (ASEM, 2019-03)
    Măsurile netarifare rămân un subiect de discuţie și negociere nu de puține ori controversate. Statele sunt stânjenite de impedimente mai mult sau mai puţin directe, cum ar fi politici interne şi reglementări, proceduri de ...
  • Deliu, Natalia (ASEM, 2022-06)
    Reducing youth unemployment is one of the major challenges facing most governments in the world for decades to come. Within the framework of potential efforts and strategies to boost employment and job creation for young ...
  • Rusu, Djulieta; Pîrlog, Angela (ASEM, 2022-09)
    In the following article, we propose to analyze elements likely to obstruct the proper development of intercultural communication, contributing to the decrease of the degree of fidelity, accuracy and efficiency of the ...
  • Gorobeț, Ilinca (ASEM, 2022-09)
    The purpose of international banking regulations is to provide bank management with guidance on ensuring financial stability. This can be achieved by increasing the bank's financial capacity and by forming the bank's ...
  • Abramihin, Cezara (ASEM, 2022)
    The transition to a digital economy is fundamentally changing the labor market: along with the spread of information technology in all spheres of life, digital skills are becoming critically important from the point of ...
  • Unknown author (2020)
    SUPORT DE CURS: F.01.O.010 Bazele activității turistice. Specialitatea: TURISM. Profesor: VIȘANU Diana.
  • Bădicu, Galina; Mihaila, Svetlana (Tipografia Centrală, 2019)
    Autorii pun la dispoziția cititorilor o abordare teoretică și aplicativă a contabilității. Prin conținutul ei, lucrarea ,,Bazele contabilității” explică și argumentează logic principalele concepte, principii, tehnici, ...
  • Grigoroi, Lilia; Lazari, Liliana (Editura Cartier, 2005)
    Prezenta lucrare este elaborată în conformitate cu programa cursului “Bazele contabilităţii” şi îşi propune să contribuie la formarea deprinderilor de soluţionare a aspectelor teoretice şi practice privind contabilizarea ...
  • Grigoroi, Lilia; Lazari, Liliana (Editura Cartier, 2009)
    Prezenta lucrare este elaborată în conformitate cu programa cursului “Bazele contabilităţii” şi îşi propune să contribuie la formarea deprinderilor de soluţionare a aspectelor teoretice şi practice privind definirea, ...
  • Prylipko, Serghii; Vasylieva, Nataliia (ASEM, 2019-09)
    Elementele specifice ale experienței străine, de funcționare a băncilor cooperatiste pentru servicii financiare și de credit, ar trebui să fie utilizate pentru producătorii agricoli și populația rurală din Ucraina. Aceasta ...
  • Balcan, Vladimir (ASEM, 2019-09)
    In this paper we review some important results on the behavior of ideal geodesics problem for some hyperbolic 2-manifolds with cusps, and discuss some extension of those results to the case of a hyperbolic surface with ...
  • Cristafovici, Profira; Panfil, Ion (ASEM, 2019-09)
    Benchmarking is a current concept and tool with a wide applicability in business marketing management, but which is currently under-implemented in the Republic of Moldova. The purpose of the present paper is to present the ...
  • Boguș, Angela; Baieșu, Marina (ASEM, 2022-06)
    Lucrarea de față are drept scop punerea în evidență a rolului determinant pe care îl are guvernanța corporativă pentru sporirea eficienței și creșterea economică a organizațiilor, inclusiv a instituțiilor publice. Beneficiile ...
  • Aleksandrov, Еmil (ASEM, 2023-03)
    The construction sector has in recent years made a particular contribution to the GDP growth of countries, despite global financial uncertainty. Investments in energy efficiency in the construction sector are crucial to ...
  • Diaconu, Luminita (ASEM, 2022)
    The article gives a brief analytical survey of multilingualism practices, its consequences, its benefits in education and discussions on the appropriate ways towards its achievement in education. Multilingualism refers to ...

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